MODEL No. 6 PRONGHORN; 7 1/2" blade of 1/4" 440-C.
Here it is in a spectacular and original sheath.
This is a Paragon.
Similar to a cougar with a turned down point. A favorite of Alaskan guides.
The handle and butt cap are beautiful upgrades.
MODEL No. 24 WESTERN BOWIE; 10 1/2" blade from 3/8" 440-C. Custom upgrades include, "S" guard in stainless, stainless spacers and two colors of micarta with a classic Harvey formed pommel.
MODEL No. 9 SPORTSMAN 1; 6" blade from 1/4" 440-C. Beauty.
Harvey Draper Art Dagger with Fluted Bison Horn handle and Nickel Silver Sheath.
Unfinished knife. 1/4" blade material with some very fine and interesting file work.
Close-up of grinds and file work.
Very unique blade design.
Karl Hunt with micarta handle. A favorite design by Bart Draper.

Custom Bowie with Stainless "S" guard, stainless pommel, rosewood handle, sheath by George Lawrence and a 3/8" 440c blade. Draper perfection!

Stainless "S" guard and pommel, nice upgrade to an already beautiful knife.
Here are three hilt designs; left to right: Lugged fighting, S shaped, and saucer quillon.
Model No. 23 Fighting Bowie Single Hilt.
Model No. 4 HUNTERS BOWIE: 5 1/2" blade 440-C.
Custom Bowie.
Miniature Model No. 23 Fighting Bowie single hilt. Rosewood handle with German Silver inlay.
Miniature has 5 3/4" OAL with 3" blade. Stainless fittings. A very rare knife.
Model No. 2 JAVELINA, 6" blade from 1/4" stock 440-C. Desert Iron Wood handle. Beautiful!
Here is a boot knife (not to be confused with Model No. 17) with real ivory for handle material and nickel silver guard. Harvey didn't do too many full tang, slab handled knives. This one is mint.
Here it is compared to a very large Bowie with some unique grinds.
Look close at the ivory pattern on the butt of the handle material....real ivory.

Here is that big Bowie with sheath, H. E. DRAPER stamp. 3/8" 440-C.
Bowman Archery Set: Made expressly for archers, it came with a special soft Arkansas sharpening stone and steel file. Handle materials included rosewood, zebra and cocobolo. 6 1/2" blade from 3/16" 440C stock.
Bowman Archery Set: Matching wood on knife and file.
Les Bowman Design: Ideal for most hunting....just like it said in the Thunderbird catalog.
Bowman Cougar. The Cougar blade design was very popular in the Draper shop.
Three knives Les Bowman (ballistics expert from Wyoming) designed and/or influenced the design.

Model No. 25 Classical Toothpick. 11 1/2" blade from 1/4" 440c stock. Rosewood handle, brass fittings. Slender blade with excellent balance.

Another Classical Toothpick Model No. 25 with slight variation in hilt (smaller lugs) and pommel.

Close-up of lugged hilt.
Model No. 19 fighter. This knife is 1/4" stock, nice hilt with smooth pommel. Blade, 9" from 440c.

Fluted India Sambar Stag Handled Bowie: 7 5/8" Blade from 1/4" 440C, Brass hilt and pommel with aluminum spacers. '67

Fluted India Sambar Stag Handled Dagger: 7 1/2" Blade. Same as above: Matched Set.
Both Fluted India Sambar Stage handled knives together.
Unique engraving on both knives.
More engraving on the hilt. Similar pattern on both knives.
Small Art Dagger. 5" Blade with multi-piece hilt, H. E. DRAPER, Ephraim, Utah stamp. Sheath too.
Custom Art Dagger handle close-up.

Buffalo Skinner: 4 1/4" Blade from 3/16" 440C Stock. Black Micarta Handle w/silver and black spacers.

One more angle of this beautiful knife.
Same style with Osage Orange Wood handle material.

Nielson Skinner (Fred Nielson was Harvey's father-in-law, he designed the blade) 5 1/2" from 1/4" 440c. stock. Not many of these made.

Nielson Skinner close-up view of unique blade design. Small clip was sharpened.
Model No. 15 FILLET KNIFE: 8" blade from 1/4" stock, India stag handle, Nielson Sheath.

Utility Knife (bottom): 8" overall from 1/4" stock. Boot Knife (middle and top): 9" overall from 1/4" stock.
Boot knives with sheaths, one has leg thong holes the other does not. These are also throwing knives.
X marks the spot.
Here are three more Model No. 17 Boot Knives, all with a different style sheath.
The Model No. 17 Boot Knife (aka throwing knife) is a beautifully designed knife.