Model No. 4 Hunters Bowie: Private Collection. 5 1/2" Blade with Stag handle.

Andy Dunn Collection: Model # 1 Elmer Keith, stainless fittings and ivory handle, 5" blade 3/8" 440C.

Andy Dunn Collection.

Andy Dunn Collection

Andy Dunn Collection

Andy Dunn Collection

Andy Dunn Collection: Kent Draper Folder, Kent also did the engraving.

Thomas Boutin Collection: Kent Draper fixed blade with Kent made sheath. Compared to the above folder, engraving looks to be Kent's handy work, as well.
Andy Dunn Collection: Bart Draper Bowie with Bart Draper made sheath. B. DRAPER blade stamp.
Andy Dunn Collection: Draper, Ephraim, Utah stamped blade. Alaskan Skinner style blade.